Negara-Negara di Seluruh Dunia

Assalamualaikum wbt & Selamat Sejahtera.

Hah!Korang pernah terfikir tak ada berapa negara di seluruh dunia ni?
Biasa yang google benda ni mesti yang masih sekolah (sebab nak google bila cikgu tanya je kan?hehehe) or yang nak buat bucketlist nak jelajah satu dunia.betul tak?

Okay so sekarang ni I just want to share about WORLD.Bukanlah secara spesifik,just nak share list negara-negara yang ada dalam dunis ni je..
Ok as everyone knows we have 7 continents which were Asia,Australia,Africa,Europe,North America,South America and Antarctica.
Based on my knowledge satu benua je yang tak ada negara iaitu Antartika.Perghh siapa berani pergi sana?

So,there are 196 countries in the world!Unless you dont count Taiwan.Taiwan is not considered an official country by many,which would bring the count down to 195 countires.Although Taiwan operates as an independent country,many countries do not officially recognize it as one.So lets get started!

Countries of Europe
·         Albania
·         Andorra
·         Armenia
·         Austria
·         Azerbaijan
·         Belarus
·         Belgium
·         Bosnia and Herzegovina
·         Bulgaria
·         Croatia
·         Cyprus
·         Czech Republic
·         Denmark
·         Estonia
·         Finland
·         France
·         Georgia
·         Germany
·         Greece
·         Hungary
·         Iceland
·         Ireland
·         Italy
·         Kazakhstan
·         Kosovo
·         Latvia
·         Liechtenstein
·         Lithuania
·         Luxembourg
·         Macedonia
·         Malta
·         Moldova
·         Monaco
·         Montenegro
·         Netherlands
·         Norway
·         Poland
·         Portugal
·         Romania
·         Russia
·         San Marino
·         Serbia
·         Slovakia
·         Slovenia
·         Spain
·         Sweden
·         Switzerland
·         Turkey
·         Ukraine
·         United Kingdom (UK)
·         Vatican City (Holy See)

Countries of Asia
·         Afghanistan
·         Armenia
·         Azerbaijan
·         Bahrain
·         Bangladesh
·         Bhutan
·         Brunei
·         Cambodia
·         China
·         Cyprus
·         Georgia
·         India
·         Indonesia
·         Iran
·         Iraq
·         Israel
·         Japan
·         Jordan
·         Kazakhstan
·         Kuwait
·         Kyrgyzstan
·         Laos
·         Lebanon
·         Malaysia
·         Maldives
·         Mongolia
·         Myanmar (Burma)
·         Nepal
·         North Korea
·         Oman
·         Pakistan
·         Palestine
·         Philippines 
·         Qatar
·         Russia
·         Saudi Arabia
·         Singapore
·         South Korea
·         Sri Lanka
·         Syria
·         Taiwan
·         Tajikistan
·         Thailand
·         Timor-Leste
·         Turkey
·         Turkmenistan
·         United Arab Emirates
·         Uzbekistan
·         Vietnam
·         Yemen

Countries of Afrika

·         Algeria
·         Angola
·         Benin
·         Botswana
·         Burkina Faso
·         Burundi
·         Cabo Verde
·         Cameroon
·         Central African Republic
·         Chad
·         Comoros
·         Congo, Republic of the
·         Congo, Democratic Republic of the
·         Cote d'Ivoire
·         Djibouti
·         Egypt
·         Equatorial Guinea
·         Eritrea
·         Ethiopia
·         Gabon
·         Gambia
·         Ghana
·         Guinea
·         Guinea-Bissau
·         Kenya
·         Lesotho
·         Liberia
·         Libya
·         Madagascar
·         Malawi
·         Mali 
·         Mauritius
·         Morocco
·         Mozambique
·         Namabia
·         Niger
·         Nigeria
·         Rwanda
·         Sao Tome and Principe
·         Senegal
·         Seychelles
·         Sierra Leone
·         Somalia
·         South Africa
·         South Sudan
·         Sudan
·         Swaziland
·         Tanzania
·         Togo
·         Tunisia
·         Uganda
·         Zambia
·         Zimbabwe

Countries of North America

·         Antigua and Barbuda
·         Bahamas
·         Barbados
·         Belize
·         Canada
·         Costa Rica
·         Cuba
·         Dominica
·         Dominican Republic
·         El Salvador
·         Grenada
·         Guatemala
·         Haiti
·         Honduras
·         Jamaica
·         Mexico
·         Nicaragua
·         Panama
·         St. Kitts and Nevis
·         St. Lucia
·         St. Vincent and The Grenadines
·         Trinidad and Tobago
·         United States of America (USA)

Countries of South America

·         Argentina
·         Bolivia
·         Brazil
·         Chile
·         Colombia
·        Ecuador
·         Guyana
·         Paraguay
·         Peru
·         Suriname
·         Uruguay
·         Venezuela

Countries of Australia & Oceania

·         Australia
·         Fiji
·         Kiribati
·         Marshall Islands
·         Micronesia
·         Nauru
·         New Zealand
·         Palau
·         Papua New Guinea
·         Samoa
·         Solomon Islands
·         Tonga
·         Tuvalu
·         Vanuatu

Ok where did I get those list from?Thanks to Mr.Google for helping me out with the list.hehehe..
So after this boleh la list kan negara-negara yang korang nak travel ;)


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